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Daniel Darwin Conducts Scene Study and Character Analysis Workshop this March

Daniel Darwin Conducts Scene Study and Character Analysis Workshop this March

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Daniel Darwin will lead a 4 weekend-long workshop about character development and scene study this March.

Through a series of exercises, games, and facilitated peer-to-peer critiques and discussions, the workshop aims to hone the focus and ability of the students to derive, understand, and convey the truths of their characters. They will be led to plot, experiment with, and perform the necessary transformations out of who they are and into who they play. The group will explore acting in dialogue, to further their understandings of reaction and response on stage. The workshop will also focus on developing a safe space for giving and receiving peer criticism so as to continuously better their method and craft.

The group will be composed of 16 participants who will bring in one song or monologue of their choosing, and one 2-person scene from any play that they would like to explore. The workshop is open to intermediate and advanced actors with training in any methodology.

Daniel Darwin

Daniel Darwin has been involved with theatre since he was 8 years old and first appeared in Trumpets’ ‘Widows, Orphans & Wildebeests’. He spent 6 years in New York, where he combined studies in theatre, playwriting, visual arts, circus arts, and philosophy at NYU’s Gallatin School for Individualized Study. He graduated magna cum laude in 2010 and a year later, chose to move back to the Philippines. In 2012, he joined the nationally televised talent competition, Talentadong Pinoy as a fire hula hooper named Astroboy, and won the Grand Championships. In the six years since, he has worked with multiple theatre companies, community groups, schools and universities around Manila as an actor, director, playwright, producer, and teacher. Four years ago, he met his partner Perky Parong and formed their company, Green Glass Door, through which he has produced four full-length experimental works across platforms such as Fringe Manila, Sipat Lawin’s Karnabal Festival, and most recently the 1SA Solo Arts Platform (Japan Foundation).

The workshop will be produced by Sixteen Bars, a performing arts education compony whose goal is to provide the needs of burgeoning theatre practitioners in the Philippines — artistic training and comprehensive education in music, acting, writing, dance, and other theatre-related fields — through activities such as masterclasses, workshops, and other unique educational opportunities.

The workshop will be held at Silver Pod Studio, 2/F 91C East Capitol Drive cor Santa Clara St., Kapitolyo, Pasig. The venue offers studio rentals, choreographers for events, dance and fitness classes, masterclasses and hosts for dance events and parties.

To secure a slot for the workshop, you can find the enrolment form HERE. Once completed, wait for a response from Sixteen Bars who will provide instructions on what to do next.

For inquiries, you can find Sixteen Bars on https://m.me/SixteenBarsPh/ or send them an e-mail at sixteenbars@outlook.com.

Schedules of the workshop:
1st Session | Saturday, March 02, 2019 | 1-5 PM
2nd Session | Sunday, March 03, 2019 | 1-5 PM
3rd Session | Saturday, March 09, 2019 | 1-5 PM
4th Session | Sunday, March 10, 2019 | 1-5 PM
5th Session | Saturday, March 16, 2019 | 1-5 PM
6th Session | Sunday, March 17, 2019 | 1-5 PM
7th Session | Saturday, March 23, 2019 | 1-5 PM
8th Session | Sunday, March 24, 2019 | 1-5 PM

FEES: Participants: 6,800.00
Early-Bird* Participants: 6,000.00
*Early Bird promo is until January 31, 2019.

You can RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/516405885539408/



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