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WATCH: A Quick Minute with Skyzx Labastilla

WATCH: A Quick Minute with Skyzx Labastilla

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Skyzx Labastilla will be reprising her role in the one-woman show, ‘ang dalagita’y sang bagay na di-buo’ this October 27-28 at the Power Mac Center Spotlight.

Get to know a little more about her in our Quick Minute feature. You can watch the video below.

Who got you into theater?

My mom. Actually it is her dream to become a PETA member.

What is your funniest onstage memory?

I totally forgot my lines. The play was supposed to be 30 minutes long but I said my final line, which was only the 5th or 6th minute pa lang of the play. I just looked at my co-actor and then I took the exit, the nearest exit.

What is your dream role?

Any lead role, female role, in a musical play. Kasi I don’t sing. So I think that’s my greatest dream. (laughs)

Favorite line or lyric you’ve performed on stage?

I can only remember the recent production, which is ‘dalagita.’ “I have called you by name, you are mine. Do not be afraid, I am with you.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Focusing on what’s eternal and not on the temporary things on this world.

What is the hardest part of being in theater?

Ano ba, talent fee? (laughs) I’m an introvert, so working with other people is really tough for me.

If you weren’t in theater, what would you be doing?

I’ll be a nurse because I love taking care of other people.

About the Author /


Founder and Managing Director of TheaterFansManila.com. Thinks about the performing arts scene 2/3 of the day, everyday. A firm believer in the Filipino artist.

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