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Write for TheaterFansManila.com!

Write for TheaterFansManila.com!

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We’re looking for writers to join our pool of freelancers!

If you’re a theater fan, love going to all the shows, and come away with your own thoughts and opinions and not sure where to put them, you might be who we’re looking for.

We’re especially looking for folks with a critical eye who can review shows for our publication.

Having previous journalism / review experience for other publications is a plus, but not required. This is also open to all ages because you can never be too young or too old to be a theater fan.

Just email us at theaterfansmnl@gmail.com with a short intro about yourself and your love of theater plus a sample of a review for a past theater production (or even a movie) on or before March 1st and we’ll take a look.

This is a paid freelance writing opportunity on a per-piece basis.

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