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Performance Art Series ‘How to Sit’ is Streaming

Performance Art Series ‘How to Sit’ is Streaming

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how to sit is a performance series, performed by Alekxandra Toyhacao in collaboration with the Langgam Performance Troupe, that is streaming online this December.

The show is about personal encounters between body and space anchored upon the repeated action of sitting. Each sitting is timed and performed in spaces selected by the performer.

“What happens when one simply sits? What happens when one simply is?” are the central questions operating at the heart of the piece as it attempts to use the action of sitting and the experience of being as actions and experiences worthy of being observed on their own.

It is an ongoing performance project developing through three phases, with this phase being the first of three. Second and third phases are target to launch in 2022. 

The 6 episodes will premiere on Dec 8, Dec 11, Dec 15, Dec 18, Dec 22, and Dec 25 at 7pm respectively. It will stream on the show’s website, on Langgam Performance Troupe’s Facebook page, and on the show’s YouTube channel.

Langgam Performance Troupe (LPT) is a contemporary performance company focusing on experimental, process-based, practice-as-research works. LPT envisions a performance collaboration that forges an integrated, dynamic, and progressive community of multi-disciplinary players who are seeking alternative theater and performance practices and methods of understanding cultural and socio-political themes. 


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