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Join ‘Yellow Rose’ Q&A with the Film’s Stars

Join ‘Yellow Rose’ Q&A with the Film’s Stars

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Gold House is hosting a special Q&A with the stars of Yellow Rose– Eva Noblezada, Lea Salonga, and Princess Punzalan, and writer-director Diane Paragas right before the film’s theatrical release in the US and Canada.

The online Q&A will be streamed on October 9, 10AM on Gold House’s Facebook page, moderated by Jazz Tangcay. Yellow Rose follows the timely story of a Filipina teen from a small Texas town who fights to pursue her dreams as a country music performer while having to decide between staying with her family or leaving the only home she has known. It is the first Filipino-led film backed by a major studio.

A soundtrack of the film will also be released by Sony Music Masterworks on October 9, featuring original country songs written by Paragas and cast member Dale Watson, with a score by Christopher H. Knight. The film is also set to premiere on Filipino-American History Month.

WATCH: Lea Salonga, Eva Noblezada Sing in ‘Yellow Rose’ New Clip

Gold House is the largest nonprofit collective of Asian cultural leaders dedicated to forging stronger bonds that deliver more authentic and successful lives.


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