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Calling All Instrumentalists and Dancers for Hamilton MNL Passion Project

Calling All Instrumentalists and Dancers for Hamilton MNL Passion Project

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A few days ago, we announced that Rabbanah Entertainment is organizing a Hamilton MNL passion project. Their goal is to make a viral video in the hopes of building a fanbase here in Manila and hopefully have the opportunity to produce the musical here in the future.

(READ: Join the Hamilton MNL Passion Project)

Here’s some good news! You don’t need to be a singer to join the project! The organizers are also looking for instrumentalists and dancers.

Here are some updates from Rabbanah Entertainment:

Are you a fan of Hamilton but you think singing is not for you?
Well, Rabbanah Entertainment will be giving you a chance to be a part of PROJECT HAMILTON MNL!

Note that this is a Passion Project, which means we really are doing this for the love of the musical and for free.

But here’s the catch: If you get to be one of our instrumentalists or get to be cast as a part of our Dance Ensemble, we will be shooting a PROFESSIONAL VIDEO of the cast singing ‘Alexander Hamilton’ with you! Plus, on the 21st of April, you’ll be part of our Official Video Launch!

Hamilton MNL instrumentalists

Q: What kind of instrumentalists do you need?
A: Mostly Keyboardists, Violinists, Percussionists and Guitarists. But, surprise us!

Q: Are we allowed to audition as an ensemble?
A: Yes! Feel free to audition as a group!

Q: Are we provided music that we need to perform?
A: YES. We have uploaded the sheet music to ‘Alexander Hamilton’ from the musical to our Google Drive Account. Also, you can find the recording there for your reference. PICK YOUR OWN CHOICE OF 32 BARS OF FROM THE PIECE TO PERFORM. If you do not know what we mean by ’32 bars’, message us or google it.

Here’s the link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6aRhtxdLfvfNE56MlZXeWw1ZUU&usp=sharing


1. RESUME. If you are auditioning as a group, make a group resume, but indicate all the members’ names.

2. PHOTOS: A full-body portrait. If you are auditioning as a group, we need a portrait for each of the members in your group and one group photo.

3. VIDEOS: Shoot a video of you or your group performing your selected 32-bars of the piece.


Send your resumes, photos and videos to: rabbanahentertainment@gmail.com

Hamilton MNL Dancers

Q: What kind of dancers do we need?
A: Dancers of any genre are encouraged. From contemporary to hiphop! Audition submissions can be as a solo performer, a duo, a trio, or a group!

Q: What music do you want us to dance to?
A: We uploaded 5 excerpts from songs of the musical in our Google Drive account. Most of them lasts around 1 minute to a minute and a half.

Here’s the link to the music: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6aRhtxdLfvfNzhYamR4MTRFa1k&usp=sharing

Q: Are we provided any form of choreography?
A: No. Also, we encourage everyone to choreograph their own dance. Which means, no copying from YouTube! Be creative!


1. RESUME. If you are auditioning as a group, make a group resume, but indicate all the members’ names.

2. PHOTOS: A full-body portrait. If you are auditioning as a group, we need a portrait for each of the members in your group and one group photo.

3. VIDEOS: Shoot a video of you or your group with your own choreography of the tunes. Make sure that the choreography can be watched clearly from the camera’s angle.


Send your resumes, photos and videos to: rabbanahentertainment@gmail.com

Minors and people outside Metro Manila are also welcome to audition!



Break a leg everyone!

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