Broadway Shows at Your Fingertips
Let’s BroadwayHD and chill.
BroadwayHD recently launched on-demand streaming services for theatrical productions, which was founded by Tony award-winning producers Stewart F. Lane and Bonnie Comley. The site provides monthly and yearly subscriptions or a pay-per-view setup for those who are more interested in watching just a specific show.
BroadwayHD launched with more than 100 filmed productions and also offers other contents like behind-the-scenes features and theater documentaries.
According to Mashable, when asked whether it can pose a threat to live theatrical shows, Lane explained that, “We don’t want to, and we’re not going to be able to, compete against the actual experience, the communal experience of sitting in a theater and laughing with a group of people and seeing live performers onstage… But you can get a sense of it [with BroadwayHD] because you are seeing it in real time. It’s not a movie or a TV show, it’s real actors on stage, sweating and spitting and dancing their hearts out.”
For Filipinos who have always been interested in theater, BroadwayHD may just as well be a gift from Dionysius himself. For some of the shows that we have always been interested in seeing, we will have the opportunity to do so, using our own electronic devices. And we know that watching them on small screen just whets our appetites in seeing them live.
*Featured image was taken from a screenshot of