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American Idiot Open Auditions

American Idiot Open Auditions

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9 Works Theatrical and Globe Telecom are proud to announce the local staging of American Idiot, the well-loved Broadway adaptation of Green Day’s rock opera, and this is your chance to be part of the show! Take part in the first ever online open auditions. Watch the video below to learn more about the mechanics, and make sure you submit your video by April 20, 10 pm.

Break a leg, theater fans!

#Globe9WTAmericanIdiot Online Audition MechanicsRock it out and be part of #Globe9WTAmericanIdiot! Check out glbe.com/BeStJimmy for more info.

Posted by Globe Telecom on Monday, April 11, 2016

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Creative Director of Theater Fans Manila. Does sales and marketing to pay her bills and fund her dreams. Find her on <a href="http://twitter.com/aidz03"><b>Twitter</b></a>.

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