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Miss Saigon Filmed: The Movie in Your Mind May Soon be a Reality

Miss Saigon Filmed: The Movie in Your Mind May Soon be a Reality

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February 27th marked the end of West End’s run of Miss Saigon. Reports from Playbill mentions of plans for production around the world including a return to Broadway’s Imperial Theatre in 2017.

(READ: Jon Jon Briones Slated for Miss Saigon Broadway Run)

On the final performance’s curtain call, Cameron Mackintosh took the stage to reminisce about the differences of productions before and now. He also commended the passion and talent of the cast, and thanked them for their tireless show of it. He further showed his gratitude and appreciation for Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alain Boublil.

(READ: Miss Saigon Audition Requirements Announced!)

The highlight of Mackintosh’s speech was the revelation that the filmed 25th anniversary gala performance of Miss Saigon will be screened in cinemas.

“…Universal brought a dozen cameras, and the result is so sensational, I think, that they’re gonna put it in cinema this autumn,” said Mackintosh of the event, much to the cheer and elation of the crowd.

He ended his speech with a nod to one of the more popular songs of the musical,

“So, as I say au revoir to Miss Saigon, I’d just go back to saying that sooner, rather than later, maybe the movie won’t just be in my mind, so thank you all.”

Is it just me, or is this a hint at the possibility of Miss Saigon: The Movie? If it is, my fangirl heart just did triple somersault! Oh gods of the sun, bring that to us!!!!

Watch Cameron Mackintosh’s Final Performance Speech for Miss Saigon.

*Featured image taken from britishtheatre.com.


About the Author /


A true lover of the performing arts, literature, & life. Dreams of becoming a poet. In real life, she helps combat diseases of the mind, body & the linguistic kind.

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