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3 University-based Productions Live this February 2023

3 University-based Productions Live this February 2023

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The university groups are back to staging live productions again in full swing! Here are 3 productions that you can catch this month.

1. “Love is…” by Teatro Rizal

In celebration of Jose Rizal University’s 104th Founding Anniversary, Teatro
 Rizal is set to stage Love is…, an adaptation of
Jan De Hartog’s The Fourposter. It is directed by EJay Villafania, with original music by John Kenneth Dael.

Carl and Marco, who are Filipino immigrants in The Netherlands, rented an old house which contains memories from a couple who lived there from 1890 to 1920s. The story reflects the universal struggles and joys of being a couple.

The show will be staged on February 18, 7pm at the JRU Quadrangle. For inquiries, the group can be reached through their Facebook page.

2. “Deadline” by UA&P’s ViARE

Celebrating its 29th year as one of the pioneer student theater organizations in UA&P, Deadline aims to push boundaries and tries to experiment with form to tackle different concepts of deadlines in a student’s life. Whether it is the pressure of an overdue submission, the impending dread of a failing relationship, or simply not shooting your shot, deadlines are simply everywhere – the question is, what are you going to do about it?

Directed by Stephen Dusaban Jr., Deadline follows students in a series of vignettes as they use movement and language to navigate through these challenges in their own ways. Deadline is a collaborative effort with a script and movement pieces devised by members of the ViARE Ensemble, consisting of Jamie Alabin, Ja Berones, Mahana Del Castillo, Jam Elloso, Abram
Erna, Patti Mantua, Jherly Montes, Chris Paculaba, Matty Puno, Alyannah Solis, and Mariella Suemith.
The show will run at Telengtan Hall, 5th Floor ACB, University of UA&P, from February 22-24, and March 2-3, 2023. Book tickets here. For inquiries, the group can be reached through their Facebook page.

3. “Experto Experimento 2023: Bakit Tayo Andito?” by Adamson University’s Tinik ng Teatro

As the group slowly transitions to a full face-to-face setting, Tinik ng Teatro is returning to the live stage with this year’s Experto Experimento. The theatrical event will feature two continuous musical plays directed and written by its members and performed by the group’s apprentices.

It will be staged on February 23 and 24, 10am and 5pm, at the Adamson University OZ AVR. Ticket price is P30.

Founded in February 3, 1986, Tinik ng Teatro (also known as TNT-Adamson) is the oldest student-based theater company in Adamson University.


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