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‘Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons’ to Stream Again for One Night Only

‘Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons’ to Stream Again for One Night Only

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Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons will be streaming again for one night only.

The online production of Sam Steiner’s piece by the Company of Actors in Streamlined Theatre (C.A.S.T.) previously streamed for three dates last July. The play stars Nelsito Gomez and Gabby Padilla as a couple struggling to communicate in a world that has stringently limited the freedom of speech.

Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons was first performed in 2015 at the Warwick Arts Centre in the U.K. The play is set in a world where the government has introduced a draconian “hush law” that only allows people to utter 140 words in a day. If they try to say more than this, no sound will come from their mouths. 

The story centers on the lives of Oliver and Bernadette, a couple who meet at a cat cemetery and who soon move in together. As they deal with the typical trials of any relationship, they also have to learn to communicate within the constraints of the new law. Beyond exploring the intricacies of human relationships, the play also tackles the themes of censorship, oppression, and free speech. Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons deftly illustrates that when we are deprived of our words, we are at our most powerless.

The production is directed by Nelsito Gomez and Benjamin Jimenez. The creative team includes Benjamin Jimenez (editing), Therese Arroyo (production design), Geraldine Candava and Ace Sayat (camera), and Kayla Rivera (stage management). It is produced by Miguel Jimenez and was done by arrangement with Nick Hern Books.

Don’t miss Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons on October 16 at 7:00 PM Philippine time. Tickets are Php200.

Watch Nelsito Gomez and Gabby Padilla promote this special stream date below:

About the Author /


A polyglot passionate about the arts, Camille’s dream role is to be a peasant in the ensemble of Les Misérables. In the meantime, she contents herself by watching and writing about plays. Instagram: @craetions